• Information
  • Compliments and complaints

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    Every day, Connection SGGZ goes above and beyond to provide clients and their loved ones with the best possible care and support. Have you experienced our services and care as very pleasant and do you have a compliment for our organization and/or for one of our employees? Please let us know, as we would love to hear it!


    Complaints procedure

    Despite the fact that we do our utmost to provide proper care and assistance, it is possible that you are not fully satisfied with your treatment afterwards. We attach great importance to your comments or complaints. Firstly, because Connection SGGZ considers it essential that you are completely satisfied. In addition, your feedback creates an opportunity to improve our healthcare services.

    This page tells you what you can do if you want to make a complaint or leave a comment.


    Submitting a complaint to your care provider

    If you are not completely satisfied with a treatment, we advise you to not let this experience weigh down on you. Many complaints are based on miscommunication or different expectations. In these situations, a healthcare provider will appreciate it if you would contact the involved counsellor, so that they have the opportunity to resolve your dissatisfaction. Our experience has shown that a large proportion of complaints can be settled this way.


    Complaints officer

    Should you and your healthcare provider be unable to resolve your complaint, you have the option of submitting it to a complaints officer. A complaints officer is an independent professional mediator who can work with you and your healthcare provider to find a solution. When you submit a complaint, we aim to reach a solution within 6 weeks.

    If you wish to contact the complaints officer, Tessa Pavolini-Erbrink, you can fill out the complaints form and send it to us by post or e-mail. 


    Disputes committee

    If you cannot solve the problem with the complaints officer and your care provider, you can contact the disputes committee. This disputes committee is an independent organization that makes a decision on the merits of a complaint; in certain cases, the disputes committee can award compensation.

    Connection SGGZ has entered into an agreement with Stichting Geschillencommissie EZa for handling disputes. The disputes committee consists of a chairman (lawyer) and two members, one of whom has a medical background. When a dispute is submitted, the causes of the complaint will be investigated. Depending on the nature of the dispute, the chairman decides in what way the committee will reach a decision.

    More information on how the disputes committee works can be found on the website www.geschillencommissie-EZa.nl. It also contains information on how to submit a dispute.


    In conclusion

    Finally, keep the following in mind:

    • It is important to your healthcare provider that you are satisfied with the care they provide. When you are open about your experiences, you help your healthcare provider achieve this goal.
    • Working with a complaints officer to resolve your complaint does not waive your right to file a dispute.
    • Should you file a dispute, take into account a period of 6 months for the disputes committee to issue a decision. In that case, you will be requested to allow the disputes committee access to your medical records.