Changing your drinking habits is an important decision, and a very personal one. There are many reasons for quitting alcohol. You might want to feel healthier and fitter, save your money for other things or improve your relationships with your partner, family and friends. Whatever your motives, at Connection SGGZ, we respect your choice and can support you if you need help.

Benefits of giving up alcohol

The benefits of stopping drinking alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer or cocktails far outweigh the benefits of drinking itself. Here are the most important ones:

  • you have more energy
  • you feel more optimistic
  • you feel confident
  • you sleep better
  • your skin condition improves
  • you save money
  • your health improves
  • your relationships improve

This last benefit can be an important motivation to stop drinking since it’s primarily the people closest to you who are affected by your alcohol use. When you stop, the tensions around this topic – which can be difficult to address – disappear. Do you have questions about your alcohol use? Ask our team of professionals and recovery mentors. They would be happy to listen to your story.

Why choose Connection SGGZ addiction care?

  • Our treatments are reimbursed by your health insurer
  • Short waiting list
  • Personalised and specialised treatment
  • Working with recovery mentors
  • Evidence based treatment
  • Custom aftercare programme
  • Excellent family programme
  • Rehab centres in the Netherlands and South Africa

Do you need help?

Choosing to either cut down on, or completely leave out alcohol

You can choose to reduce your alcohol consumption. However, this can sometimes be more challenging than quitting entirely. Alcohol, even in small quantities, lowers your inhibitions, affects your judgement and has a relaxing effect, making it tempting to continue drinking. When you stop drinking entirely, people are also less likely to insist on offering you a drink. Completely abstaining from alcohol, backed by a solid plan, can help you achieve the results you desire.

How do I quit drinking alcohol?

The best way to tackle your alcohol habits is by means of a personal programme that starts with self-reflection and awareness. Why do you actually drink? Are there underlying issues you may be dealing with? Once you have clarity on this, you can set realistic goals and develop a plan on how to quit drinking alcohol. Our team is happy to assist you with our personalised approach, tailored to your situation.

8 tips on how to stop drinking alcohol

We would like to share a few tips on how to stop drinking alcohol. Do you need our professional advice or support? Call us on +31 40-3035023.

1. Make a plan to stop and reward yourself if it works

Start by setting a date and, for example, a reward for each day you go without alcohol. Share this with those who are close to you and agree on how you want them to support you.

2. Make a list of reasons why you are quitting drinking 

Write down your reasons for, and the benefits of, stopping alcohol. Optionally, include the drawbacks on this list. Hang it somewhere where you can see it regularly.

3. Turn it into a challenge and seek support from the people around you 

Challenge yourself to go a month without drinking. ‘Dry January’ or ‘Sober October’ can happen any month of the year, right? You'll find that you quickly feel fresher and better without alcohol! Also, tell the people nearest to you about your plan to stop. Your loved ones can support you when you need it.

4. Reflect on your drinking behaviour and prepare for difficult moments 

At what moments exactly do you reach for a beer or pour a glass of wine? Write them down or use your phone notes. The underlying emotions will soon become apparent. If you want to stop drinking permanently, it is a good idea to address those underlying emotions.

5. Choose your company wisely 

Arrange to meet with friends or family who are happy to chat over a cup of coffee or tea. You will have a great time, without the alcohol: win-win!

6. Work on your social skills 

This can be challenging but increases your chances of success. Many drinkers started drinking alcohol because it gave them confidence. Your inhibitions disappear, and you feel comfortable talking to anyone. Especially during an insecure adolescence, this is a trigger to drink more frequently and heavily. Our tip: work on your social skills and you won't need alcohol. It requires some effort, but it can reduce the risk of addiction. The added advantage is that you'll benefit from it for the rest of your life.

7. Decide how much you drink and alternate with water 

Say no when offered a top-up, or take longer to finish your drink. Alternate each alcoholic beverage with a glass of water. You can also set a timer on your phone and stop drinking at, say, midnight. Then switch to water or soft drinks.

8. Find distractions and avoid keeping too much alcohol at home 

If you are longing for alcohol, remember that the craving will pass, find a distraction and drink water. Remember, too, that keeping alcohol at home can make you more likely to drink. When alcoholic beverages are not readily available, and you manage to find a distraction, the temptation can dissipate spontaneously.

I would like advice

“We are also available for questions and advice. Contact us without any obligations.”

What happens if you stop drinking alcohol?

Quitting alcohol is not easy; you may experience withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms start about six to eight hours after you stop drinking. They vary from person to person and depend on the level of addiction. It usually begins with trembling hands and nausea. Muscle pain and headaches are also common, as well as excessive sweating and restlessness.

Additionally, quitting alcohol can cause heart palpitations and poor sleep if you stop cold turkey. This can lead to further complications such as sleep disorders, depression, delirium, or even a heart attack. Your mood can also be heavily affected by quitting drinking. The longer you stay sober, the happier and more confident you will feel. You will start to enjoy life again. 

We understand that the journey to an alcohol-free life is a bumpy one, or that you might be worried about what could happen if you stop drinking alcohol. That is why our team is here for you. We can provide the support you need.

Why is it so difficult to stop drinking alcohol?

Drinking alcohol is ingrained in our society. For example, we drink at parties, in the evening at home to unwind or at a sidewalk café enjoying the sun. However, drinking alcohol every day is unhealthy, and it becomes a problem if all you can think about is your next glass of beer, wine, or spirits. Over the years, this can lead to alcohol addiction with all the associated consequences. Breaking this vicious cycle is often challenging. Connection SSGZ offers specialised assistance, which is tailored to your situation.

How can Connection SGGZ help you?

Do you want to stop drinking alcohol? Then make an appointment for an addiction assessment. This will determine which treatment suits you best: outpatient treatment in Eindhoven or Utrecht, or inpatient treatment. We hold the admission interviews either at our rehabilitation centre in Meerlo or our centre in South Africa. You may need to undergo a detox before starting treatment for quitting alcohol.

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