• Drug addiction
  • Most addictive drugs


    At Connection SGGZ, we treat all types of addiction, such as addiction to drugs like cocaine, speed, ketamine and MDMA. Our specialised team has years of expertise in these fields. Ranking the most addictive drugs, however, depends on numerous factors. Given this complexity, we understand that every addiction, and indeed every addict, is unique, which is why we work with tailor-made programmes.

    Key indicators of drug addictiveness

    One criterion used to measure the addictiveness of a drug is the damage caused by that specific type of drug. Other indicators include: the degree to which a drug activates your brain’s addiction system, its induced pleasure level, its withdrawal effects and its addiction potential.

    Top 5 most addictive drugs

    The RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) released a report Ranking van Drugs (Drugs Rankings), in which experts have mapped the addictive potential of drugs, among other things. They have compiled a list of the top 5 most addictive drugs.

    1. Crack: a form of cocaine that can be smoked. When you smoke crack, the substance reaches your brain almost instantly, making it extremely addictive. After the 'high', a 'low' follows quickly, during which you may start to feel gloomy or depressed.
    2. Heroin: made from morphine, it has a powerful, depressant effect, slowing your breath and heart rate. Its strong sedative effect takes hold rapidly.
    3. Tobacco: the addictiveness of nicotine is comparable to substances such as heroin and cocaine. If you are a habitual smoker, you raise the nicotine levels in your blood to their peak with the first cigarettes of the day, so you constantly crave cigarettes to sustain those levels.
    4. Alcohol: drinking alcohol induces a pleasant feeling as it releases endorphins, a substance that provides a feeling of happiness. Alcohol addiction can cause serious mental and physical problems, and even lead to death.
    5. Cocaine: this drug causes a long-term activation of the reward system of your brain, which is why you feel high for such a long time.

    Why choose Connection SGGZ addiction care?

    • Our treatments are reimbursed by your health insurer
    • Short waiting list
    • Personalised and specialised treatment
    • Working with recovery mentors
    • Evidence based treatment
    • Custom aftercare programme
    • Excellent family programme
    • Rehab centres in the Netherlands and South Africa

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    GHB and cannabis

    The top 10 also includes substances such as GHB and cannabis. GHB has a sedative effect on your nervous system; you can compare the rush to that of alcohol. It makes you cheerful, calm and relaxed. Soon after, however, you also start to feel weak and drowsy. The correct dosage of GHB is very difficult to determine so there is a high risk of overdosing.

    As for cannabis, we can say that structurally heavy use significantly increases the chances of becoming mentally, and possibly physically, dependent. Lastly, the use of substances known as designer drugs, such as 3-MMC – a highly addictive drug – is also on the rise.

    Do you need advice about the addictiveness of drugs?

    Do you regularly use cocaine, GHB or cannabis or are you struggling with an alcohol problem? Do you feel the urge to overcome your addiction? Please call us on +31 40 303 5023. We can give you information about withdrawal, detox and the difference between outpatient and inpatient treatment. In addition, we can explain how health insurers reimburse treatment.

    Our waiting lists are short: it's good to know that we will help you very soon after you get in touch. With our expert, tailored treatment and your commitment, we will work with you to achieve a life free from addiction to even the most addictive drugs.

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